Thursday, August 17, 2017


feel the sand beneath
your fingertips
brush gently across my skin
shifting underneath me
inside of me confuses
death from life
a cacophony of 
floods the
emptiness within
my soul
caved in by
the vipers
wrapped around my toes
tying me to the ground like

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


I've always been a writer. Since I can remember, I've written short stories, character descriptions, observation journals, and everything in between. There are notebooks from elementary school filled with fantasies adventures with my imaginary friends. As you can imagine, journals dating back to first grade add up to potentially thousands of written creations. Right now, these thousands are scattered on various lined papers, google documents, memos on my cell phone, and printed English assignments. I've decided that I'm going to try to organize them in one place. Here.

This blog was originally created for my creative writing class senior year of high school. Since I graduated, this website has been growing cobwebs. All my poems live in the margins of my lecture notes and short stories reside on the backs of scripts. The chaos of my life that I try to decipher by writing is haphazardly strewn through my belongings. I'm not going to stop writing blurbs on my napkin in the coffee shop, but I am going to try to transfer them here when I'm done. Organized chaos.

No one's probably gonna read this blog, and no one needs to. This blog is mostly for me. It's a way to put my writing out into the universe so I'm not hoarding it all inside myself, but also not on a flashy amateur publishing site. I have stories on Wattpad for that purpose. This is for everything else. My soul is here in the most profound, disturbing, and cheesiest ways. If your eyes happen upon this blog, I hope you find inspiration in the words I write.

A Wanderer