Thursday, March 26, 2015

Art Inspired Poetry

She sits and waits
Like they tell her to
She waits for answers but they give her none
Around her, the people cry
Sobbing into shoulders, wiping noses with handkerchiefs
And still she sits, silent
Wishing for answers
She is numb, forgetting to breathe if it weren't second nature
Forgetting to see as her eyes blur the world around her
Forgetting to notice that her hands are cold
And her arms are spotted with goosebumps
She looks up, blinking the world into focus
As they carry in the casket

Now, she has her answers
But she doesn't want them

The Cellist
He plays the cello
He closes his eyes to the sound of his strings
The bow moving rhythmically, loosely
Following the music, then forgetting all about it
Flying free with no constraints
His hand begins to move itself
Between strings, between notes
The bar fills with music
People silence to listen in
And watch in wonder as
The cello plays him


  1. Wow--those last lines about unwanted answers are so powerful. Can I put that one in Think. too?

  2. Of course! You are free to use any of my pieces for anything. I'm glad you like them!
