The woman recognized it instantly and smiled both at the memories it sparked and the joy on her daughter's freckled face. She gently took it from tiny hands and rubbed the algae away with her thumb.
"What does it say, Mamma?" the little girl asked, stretching up on tiptoes to see the engraving on her treasure.
"Sound it out," her mother prompted, kneeling beside her Trinity.
Scrunching her brows together, she did as she was told. "Mmm - elle - oh - dee. Melody. Why does it say your name, Mamma?"
"Because my Mamma gave it to me when I was very little. This necklace is what connects me to the sea." Melody looked out upon the waters, then back at the palace she was raised in, where she now gets to raise her own daughter.
"What's inside?" the little girl bounced in anticipation, snapping her mother out of memories. Melody opened the shell, revealing a projection of her favorite place and playing a tune she had memorized. "Whoa, what's that?"
"Atlantis," Melody breathed.
"That's what Atlantis looks like?" Trinity snatched the shell from her mother and plopped down into the sand, entranced by the vision before her. "When will I get to visit Atlantis?"
"Someday when you're older," Melody consoled the girl, recognizing the innocence and adventurous spirit in the eager little girl that she had possessed as a child. She stroked her daughter's long red hair, inherited from her grandmother, the queen of Atlantis.
"You know, when your Grandma Ariel was younger, she thought a fork was called a dinglehopper."
Trinity laughed, and all the world laughed with her.
Wonderful! I love how you've imagined the continuation of one of your favorite stories and the idea of Atlantis being shrunk to a small projection inside a shell.